Search Target and Search Fields

When you create a Rock Maker Search, you need to define what you want Rock Maker to look for, and where you want Rock Maker to look.


Search Target

Before you filter your results, you need to tell Rock Maker where it should look and what it should start looking for when launching a Search and Filter. In the main workspace of Search and Filter, you will see boxes for Search Path and Search Target. The Search Path can be a folder, project, or your entire database.

The Search Target is the type of information Rock Maker should look for when searching the database. Do you want information about a Project, Experiment, Protein Formulation, Experiment Plate, Well, Well Drop, Well Ingredient, Region Annotation, Screen and /or Screen Hits?


Search Fields

Given that each experiment has so many parameters, in Rock Maker we provide multiple search categories -- which we refer to as Search Fields -- so that you can be as specific as you like about the results you want Rock Maker to display.

Search Fields


The more specific your search – or the more Search Fields you define -- the more relevant your results will be.

The list below explains the description of each category found on the Search Fields tab, and the Search Target(s) that can be used for each Search Field category.



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